Thank You #2
Zines from small towns rule. Even if a zine sucks, but is from a small town, it’s still kind of rad. Fortunately, Thank You doesn’t suck, AND it’s from a small town, Casper Wyoming, hometown of onetime vice president, former defense secretary, and previous CEO of halliburton, richard b. cheney. Wyoming is the least populous state in the union with a population of 563,626, and is the tenth largest state, that’s awesome. I drove through Casper this summer on the way to Colorado, and it really is as “In the middle of nowhere” as anywhere in the lower 48. Thank You is a mish mash of collages of funny local magazine and newspaper adds, goofy drawings, an interview early 80’s pro-skater and current Casper resident Moses Parker, and my favorite segment: ‘7 more wonders of Casper’ which spotlights some of the local flavor (strip clubs, street people, massage parlors, and cigars stores). I love it when great zines pop up out of the most unexpected places, Casper being one of those places. Thank You Zine is worth your time.