Maximum Tremolo
$2 ppd or trade
POB 467
Amherst, NY 14226
Only a mere 16 pages, this fanzine is a ripper of mammoth proportions. “Making Surf a Fucking Threat Again” is the subtitle of this zine. I wasn’t aware that surf music was ever a threat, but after reading this, I’m now a believer. Maximum Tremolo is full of ‘fuck you’ attitude without being all fuck you all the time…..there’s an obvious love of the craft and a loyalist understanding of the history of the genre that precedes the punk attitude, the ‘fuck you’ just makes it entertaining. This zine was incredibly fun to read. Every page had something in it that had me laughing out loud, and the record and live reviews had me frantically looking up and loving all kinds of new bands. Great fanzine.