Sunday, May 23, 2010


POB 22754
Brooklyn, NY 11202
This is a really funny zine. EVI has been around forever and is always excellent. I really dug this particular issue in that it takes place at a summer camp. Having been involved with summer camps as both a camper and a counselor on and off for over 30 years, I guess you could say that I could relate. Ayun is there to see to it that her youngins get a quality camp experience and some good eats along the way. You can’t just pick up The East Village Inky and start reading casually through, you have to pay attention. There are so many tangents and rants that she goes off on, and so many funny images and cartoons scattered throughout every page that casual reading is totally out of the question. This zine requires you to find a comfortable reading spot, a tasty beverage, and a few hours of your time. Great reading.