Randy Spaghetti: Life Reviews
Monday, January 11, 2016
Happy 2016
It's been a while since I last posted here. Although I'm not actively reviewing again, I am planning on posting music and zine reviews throughout the year. Nothing to write home about, but enough to keep this blog active as an archive, and help support some good ol'timey underground art. If you have any questions you can email me at randyp627@gmail.com.
Monday, March 2, 2015
POB No More
Well the time has come to let the PO Box go. In the past four months or so, I’ve received exactly 4 zines for review, and that just doesn’t justify the cost of a pob. I will still do reviews here and there when I pick stuff up on trips to cities with zine stores and such. But as I’ve stated previously, my personal life is too busy right now to try and do regular zine reviews, and that’s just not fair to the people who took the time to send me their work and expected a relatively quick review response, something that rarely happened.
This has been a fun experiment and I’ve made a bunch of great connections with all kinds of interesting artists all over the globe. I plan to keep publishing zines and making art, and hopefully I’ve built up enough good karma over these past five and a half years that others may give my stuff a hearty look and review.
Thanks to everyone who sent stuff in for review, it was an honor to be part of it all.
As always I can be reached at darlenezine@yahoo.com
ps: I still have about ten more zines to review, which I will be getting to asap.
pss: Here's a link to my art blog http://randyp627.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
The Cultural Aether #1 & #5

Freak Tension #15

Monday, January 12, 2015
The Soda Killers #6
$5 or trade/ //
I think this is the third time I’ve reviewed The Soda Killers, and I could basically write the same review for it every time. I would only have to change the names of the bands that I discover within (which is basically what I’ve done the past two times anyway). This zine is consistently good, and follows a very specific pattern: collage art, some stories, pictures of graffiti, and reviews by Nathan G. O’Brian. All of these things are great. But because I enjoy reading Nathan G. O’Brian’s reviews so much, the rest of the content has a tendency to get overshadowed. I’ve always been attracted to writing that is first-person, where the author injects themselves into whatever is being written about. I think that NGO does this in a way that seems very authentic and relatable. For punk type folks of a certain age, my age, his anecdotes and background knowledge make the reviews hum with a sort of undefined generational authenticity. Being in my 40’s and working in the world of education, I don’t have a lot of work peers that can I can relate to on these levels. I haven’t met too many people my age that know what a zine is, or spent their 20’s in smoke filled punk bars having their heads, souls, and hearts filled with the dysfunctionally creative dystopia of 90’s diy culture. NGO writing helps to fill that void. This particular issue of TSK is packed with so much NGO content that I wouldn’t feel bad about copying, pasting, and updating the band names at all. That being said, there is also a funny story about two dudes hating on some Food Network approved chili, and some collage art, and pics of graffiti.
Bands discovered this issue: Condominium, Autistic Youth, Gas Rag, Hoax.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Lunchmeat #7

Friday, October 10, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
KARP: a documentary film about a band called KARP
I’ve written in the past about having seen KARP live and how it had been such a musical high water mark for me. This band was so good, and they showed up at a time in the 90’s where a lot of underground music was getting pretty predictable and stale. Not KARP. They were a musical powder keg with a short fuse that knew exactly when to touch it off. Part of the beauty of what KARP brought to the table in those days was that they weren’t just a heavy as fuck band completely ruling the shows they played, they were also hilarious. Their sense of humor was so obvious in everything that they did, from their record art and press packets (See Suplex pic below that I got in the mail in 1996 and have had hanging on my wall/refrigerator ever since), to their incredibly clever on and off stage banter. They really made going to see them live a heck of a good time, much of which is captured in this wonderful documentary . It was so sweet to see everyone involved with this band speak so earnestly about them, and it’s a touching tribute to their talented drummer Scott Jernigan who died so young. If you are a fan, or if you just like documentaries about musicians, this is highly recommended. Unfortunately I think it’s out of print. I found this copy for sale online and pounced.
Friday, September 19, 2014
By Spencer Hicks
deeperaway@yahoo.com ////
Bad days come and go. How we deal with them is one of the true tests of being human. This is a story about a bad day, a rough night, and an attempt to solve it with some cigarettes and a run in the woods. There is wisdom contained within this comic, this fellow seems to have significant insight into the imperfections of the world around him and his place in it. In a world where the majority of humanity is playing bumper cars at the bottom of Maslow’s climb toward self-actualization, Spencer seems to have clawed his way toward the summit. Human relationships are always going to be difficult and full of compromise, and if we are to survive it all without loud persuasive voices in our heads telling us to do unorthodox things against our will, one must accept this one solid truth; a run in the woods is always a good idea......and, smoking in moderation never hurts.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
By Barnaby Goode/////
This is a photographic essay about a small town in Morocco. As presented in this zine, the landscape in this area appears barren and unforgiving. The photos of empty dirt roads, lawn-less yards, and flat concrete buildings in various states of disrepair with a smattering of people and livestock scattered about are reminiscent of some generic Mexican village in an old western movie. The people look to live simple, dedicated lives. This is the impression I got from viewing these photos and knowing nothing about this town previously. Because I’m naturally curious about everything, I looked Mirleft up online after viewing this, and it’s actually a strikingly beautiful coastal resort town surrounded by absolutely stunning beaches. That’s the beauty of this essay and perhaps art in general; the idea of perspective and how it varies so much from person to person in everything. This is one person’s perspective as documented through his camera. I’m not sure I did the essay justice by utilizing 21st century technology to investigate that perspective further. Regardless, Mirleft is a truly wonderful photographic series, that transforms this small village, which is surely a tourist destination full of all the dirty deficiencies and shortcomings of those types of places, into a place with a pulse, a living breathing community of steadfast residents eking out a living in a desert climate with an incredible beach.

Friday, August 15, 2014
Dream Whip 15

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Friday, April 11, 2014
The Recoup
The Recoup #1
Someone delivered a hot tub time machine in zine form to my po box and it’s called, The Recoup. After reading this I felt like I was sitting in an English pub in 1968 chain smoking Pall Malls and drinking cheap gin in my vertical striped bell bottoms with an MC5 haircut asking Texas Is the Reason what a Liverpool orgy was like back in the day. Retro? Yup. Bad idea? Nope. This is a satisfyingly modern take on a bygone era; I want all music zines to look like this. Simple, minimal, modern, perfect.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
I Am My Own Stereotype: The My Small Diary Collection
By Delaine
Delaine started writing this zine in 1993, my lord that seems like such a long time ago. That was the year that Nirvana did their Unplugged set for MTV. I was such a huge Nirvana fan at the time and remember watching that performance when it aired and thinking that something dark was on its way. That was also the year that fugazi’s In On The Kill Taker came out, my favorite Fugazi record (tape) that I played nearly to death while driving back and forth to work while living Anchorage. It also just happens to be the year that I started reading and writing zines myself. I Am My Own Stereotype is a very cool collection of the author/artist’s unique and ultra-random autobiographical comics. Each page consists of illustrated true events from her life. From finding brambles in her panties to running into Ron Jeremy in some random Deli this zine is definitely a worthwhile gander-fest. Autobiographical comics have always been near and dear to my heart and this one is wonderful.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Grunted Warning #18
Grunted Warning #18
$2…or trade…or friendly letter//
POB 35
Marrickville NSW 2204
Nothing to worry about if you’re a lazy bastard with a taste for the obscene, Mr. Stratu is your man. He finds it, cuts it, pastes it, and presents it to you on a shiny platter of yummy. I can’t believe it took me this long to review this zine....What the fuck? I know my life is crazy right now, but whatever, this zine kind of reviews itself….so I have no excuses. Mr. Stratu has a very sick sense of humor which he meticulously uses to peruse the newspapers with the eye of a hungry raptor, picking out headlines that satisfy his incurable disease. I love this man. Grunted Warning is the source. This zine should be on the back tank of every toilet in the English speaking world.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

PILTDOWNLAD #4 “The Nasty Oh-Dear”

I listened to this last night and found it fascinating. Doug Peacock is one of my favorite authors & defenders of wild places.


Thursday, December 26, 2013
Faction of the Fox
Faction of the Fox////
Recently I got a small manila envelope in the mail with two buttons and three stickers in it…no letter, no instructions, no return address, nothing else. Two of the stickers said, “Faction of the Fox” on them. Aside from that phrase, I had nothing to go on. Should I put the stickers on my guitar? If I wore one of these buttons on my jacket would I get random dirty looks from graffiti kids with conflicting loyalties, or worse yet, laughed at by hipsters without hindsight? The whole thing kind of smelled of the “White Rabbit” scene from the Matrix. For days afterward I anxiously waited for leather-clad club kids to show up at my door and invite me to Spokane for some kind of techno-geek disco-fueled nerd orgy. Sadly, that didn’t happen. I simply ended up searching “Faction of the Fox” on the google and went to their website. The site is a series of unexplained, yet very entertaining video-collages from some very creative Chicagoans. The whole thing has a kind of Hosoi-era skate video recorded on an early to mid-80’s vhs-camcorder by someone obsessed with Cosby Show sweaters feel to it. All of these videos were entertaining, hilarious, and creative, however, there is no who, what, or why about them. Whatever this is, exists in a land far below the realms of Wikipedia and ironic hipsterism. It’s something worth checking out while not trying too hard to analyze it, and for this I am thankful.
Monday, December 23, 2013
The Invasion of Heaven
Sunday, December 22, 2013
$5 or Trade
This zine took a while to get to me due to the mailbox debacle of last spring. It kept getting sent back to the authors and they kept sending it back to me…keeping it in the various envelopes. I think it was wrapped in four returned envelopes when it finally got to me. Persistent Minnesotans. Good thing too, because I love this zine. This issue follows the same pattern of stories, pics, collage, and tons of recorded and live reviews. I really like reading these reviews, they are personal and you can tell that the person writing them knows a lot about the music being covered. The live reviews were it for me, Motley Crue, Poison, Anthrax, the Dwarves, Iceage, Midwest Hellfest. The writing takes you into the event, and walks you through all the hilarious and cool stuff happening off stage, as well as on stage. I like that.///
Previous review here: http://sddzine.blogspot.com/2012/01/soda-killers-1.html
Junk Zine #7
Junk Zine #7
$3 or Trade
POB 950
Spokane, WA 99210////
This consists mostly of letters from readers and the author, James’s responses. That might sound boring to someone who doesn’t have any context for the wide variety of subject matter covered, but I found it fascinating. For some reason a lot of the people writing in are in prison. James has a very no-nonsense writing style that I dig and responds to every letter. For example, in responding to a person who refers to himself as a, “left-libertarian market socialist anarcho-communist agorist-mutualist in the Tuckerite-Richardian strain with a communist-anarchist tendency”, James writes, “You seem to be enamored of outré eclecticism for its own sake – you’re macho flashing all over the place” and later goes on to critique left-libertarian publications as, “little more than egotists, jockeying for ideological alpha male positions amongst themselves”. And that is why I found this zine so fascinating.
Xrisville #5
Xrisville #5
Reading and reviewing Xrisville after just having read and reviewed The Filth is an experiment in what learned folks would call literary dichotomy. The Filth is raw, angry and in your face, while Xrisville is a very lighthearted and clever take on modern Canadian life. The author has a knack for graphic design and uses it to make funny fake advertisements and article statements that are present throughout the magazine. A lot of this issue is focused on the 2012 Mayan end of the world prophecy and his humorous take on that. This magazine is dripping with sarcasm like a rabid bull mastiff but most of the humor is good natured and just plain silly (Canadians). Reads like a one person zine version of MAD Magazine, or CRACKED.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Filth issues 6-8
The Filth: #6, #7, #8
5 Mira Court
Baltimore, Maryland 21220
The Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) when young, has a hard time controlling the amount of venom it releases when giving a bite. Venom is life to these youthful vipers, and if they waste it on defensive strikes, they have nothing left to hunt with. The Filth reads like a young pit viper: all venom all the time. But unlike the immature Crotalus, this venom is not wasted on defensive strikes: This zine is constantly on the hunt. It took me a while to get through all three issues, not just because there is a hell of a lot of writing, but mostly because the writing is so dark, earnest, and often disturbing. You wont find a lot of puppy dogs and flowers within these pages, unless of course, the puppies are being impaled with forks. All three issues follow the same format: lots of poetry, lots of stories, lots of pictures, and some drawings. Venom.
..Forgot to mention issue 8 comes with a great cd from DJ Sir Morbit, issue six comes with one from The Dutch Bastard. Both are dope.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Rumpshaker #6
-When people say, “Hardcore is Dead” or “there’s no good bands now”, what they should be saying is, “I stopped paying attention” –Eric Weiss
Rumpshaker #6 was a long time in the making. The last issue came out 12 years ago. As someone who writes a music zine that occasionally takes five year breaks, I get it, sometimes life just sneaks in there without much notice and puts things on hold for a while. I got this zine in the mail a few months back and am just now reviewing it, but when I received it, I read it cover to cover that day. I love music zines, I miss music zines. I have a plastic storage bin in my garage full of old Flipside, MRR, HeartAttack, and random music fanzines that, when in need of a fix, I can go to. So when a music zine arrives in the mail, I get a bit giddy, and when that music zine just happens to be a Hardcore zine, well that’s a good day. In the months after getting Rumpshaker #6 in the mail, I have read the zine three times, not all of it, but most of it. And it’s not just because it’s a music zine covering a genre I dig, Eric, the editor asks really good questions in his interviews, and he interviews interesting people. I wasn’t a fan of the band Ceremony before reading this. I have since become a huge fan of Ceremony. I didn’t like Judge before reading this, and I still don’t, but I really like Mike Judge now. Avail? I’ve always loved Avail, and the interview with Avail frontman (now solo singer), Tim Barry was a perfect example of why. Many of the people he interviews are close to my age and I think that’s why I responded to the interviews the way I did. When Damian from Fucked Up talks about being a father and how it’s made him respond to violent news stories in a more personal and profound way, I can relate. There are so many great interviews contained within this zine. Eric, the editor, has some personal writing as well. At one point he talks about breaking his long held straight edge commitment and the awkward ordering of his first glass of whiskey. Good writing, and some unique insight into the mind of an aging hardcore kid. I liked this zine so much that I ordered a couple extra copies to give to out of town friends, and, drunkenly gave my review copy to my buddy the other night while playing Ceremony’s ‘Sick’ far too loudly for anything or anyone in my quiet Northern Idaho neighborhood. So yea, good zine, get one.
Monday, June 17, 2013
2013 state of the blaag address
This blog has been around for four years now. A lot has changed since I started it and I just wanted to give you all a quick update on the state of things. So far it’s been a really wonderful experience. I get all kinds of great stuff in the mail and have made some awesome connections with artists from around the globe. My personal life, however, is very busy right now and I’m finding it increasingly more difficult to find time to do reviews. I’m not going to stop doing them, but just know that if you send stuff in, it might take a while for me to get to it. So many great reviews zines, blogs, and websites have disappeared over the years, and I always hate to see them go (so many great ones still around). I really believe in the importance of a healthy underground press, especially for artists, so I will keep reviewing in whatever capacity I am able. If you keep sending stuff in, I’ll keep paying the rent on the pob, and will get to it eventually. Thanks for all the supportive emails, letters, and visits.
Bad Breath Comics #5
Bad Breath Comics #5
Joshjuresko.com ///
This is my favorite comic going right now, and I’m not sure why, because frankly, it’s so disjointed and downright weird. It’s not weird in a shocking or surrealist way, but more of a, “What the hell is the point of this story?” way, and for some reason, I love it. I really like his artistic style, so that kind of explains why I like the comic as a whole, but that’s not it. What I think really appeals to me is that there is also a kind of subversive feeling to this comic in that the stories don’t flow together in any traditional sense, but all of them have the same spook-house-in-the-daytime kind of feel to them; it seems like you are walking into something dangerous, but you know that just beyond the thin metal walls, it’s light outside and your mom is waiting for you with some cotton candy.
Unsinkable: How to Build Plywood Pontoons & Longtail Boat Motors Out of Scrap
By Robnoxious
636 SE 11th
Portland, OR 97214 ///
The first part of this book is a how to guide on building motors & pontoon boats. It details all the materials gathered and purchased and has illustrations and pictures to walk you through it all. They built the boat for less than $100, getting most of the materials for free from scrap piles, which was pretty impressive. That’s only the first 15 pages of the book. The next 49 pages consist of the story of their three month long, 843-mile adventure down the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. It’s comprised of Robnoxious’s first person accounts as well as entries from the vessel’s log book. It has great pictures throughout that really enhance the story, and the story is a good one. A good read for anyone who likes adventure/travel stories, a great resource for those thinking of building a boat, but don’t have a lot of money.
Dodo Comics #3
Dodo Comics #3
http://blog.grantthomasonline.com ///
The cover says it all, “Abstract Comics”. That’s what this is. The entire zine consists of various panels of different black and white brush strokes and lines. No writing, nothing recognizable. Minimalist, like this review.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Wild fermentation: A Do-It-Yourself Guide To Cultural Manipulation
Microcosm 636 SE 11th Ave Portland, OR 97214-2405 ----
Originally published in 2001, Wild Fermentation is exactly as the title suggests: a how-to guide to fermentation, of the wild variety. Not a very interesting subject to me personally (unless the fermentation process produces giggly water) but I totally appreciate the back-to-the-earth aesthetic and passion for healthy eating via cultural/political agitation.
Inside are recipes for sauerkraut, miso, sourdough, vinegar, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, tempeh, chocolate and more. Good reading for those interested in these types of ingestibles.
Losers & Weepers #3
Losers & Weepers #3
Bird Cage Bottom Books
324-A West 71st St
New York, NY 10023
Raised is my glass as another issue of Losers & Weepers has graced my po box. The idea of creating a back story for something found - be it letter, cardboard scrap, or post it note - and then illustrating it, is one of the greatest gifts an artist can give to the world. This issue/episode of L&W is one of those gifts. There are four found items illustrated in this comic, all of which are great. Mr. Yost has a hilarious and somewhat sick sense of humor, all of which comes across splendidly in this zine. Of the four things illustrated, however, there is one that really stands alone. I won’t ruin the surprise here, but let me just say that I have never seen a more prominent example of lack of segue in a jailhouse letter than this. The artist’s interpretation of which, had me laughing loud enough to wake my entire family while reading it late into the wee hours….so funny.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
DIGESTATE: A Food & Eating Themed Anthology
Digestate: A Food & Eating Themed Anthology
Birdcage Bottom Books
324-A West 71st St
New York, NY 10023
Like the title says, this is a food and eating themed comics anthology. Food is a popular topic these days, pop culture is dripping with it. Food shows rule the land of television, and chefs have replaced musicians as the hippest amongst us. It seems only natural that the underground comics world should have something to say about it all. The editor, J.T. Yost, states in the beginning that he has been a vegan since 1992, and although not every artist in this comic is vegetarian/vegan, the topic is at the forefront of this book. Digestate is an ambitious project which, from my perspective, really turned out great. There are some fantastic artists in here, and some really great stories. Standout artist for me include but aren’t limited to (there are so many) Cha, Josh Bayer, Noah Van Sciver, Al Ortiz, K. Thor Jensen, Victor Kerlow, Nichole J. Georges, and J.T. Yost, whose “Slaughterhouse Stories” was really hard to read and look at, but I felt it important to do so. The story is an illustrated testimonial from a long time meat packing employee who worked for years on the kill floor in a variety of positions. I’ve known about the horrors of mass meat production for years, you can’t be involved in the zine world and not know this stuff, J.T.’s rendition of this guy’s stories, however, was a pretty goddamn effective and needed reminder of why it is so important to do some basic research on where your food comes from. Bacon worshipers (of whom I know many) should read this, and hopefully make wiser choices when buying it. This book is not all one big bummer though, there’s a lot of humor, and pure weirdness scattered throughout as well. Digestate is an incredibly entertaining and thought provoking read start to finish.
Ci Vediamo
Ci Vediamo
By Hazel Newlevant
This is a beautifully done comic about meetings that should have been, but did not (at least that’s how I’m interpreting it). It has a unique format, combining vellum and paper in a very clever way. It’s short and aesthetically pleasing to hold and view. Very nice.
This is a strange assortment of unrelated drawings, comic strips, and some writing. There is a definite (and unapologetic) Crumb influence here. Lots of muscular-voluptuous women interacting with much less physically endowed male characters. I really liked the illustrated historical comic about the Chesapeake Indians. There were some really great drawings contained within; liberal use of contrast and weird enough to keep me interested.
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